Extremely weird, but the animation is flawless. I like what you did with the cacti in the background. :P
Extremely weird, but the animation is flawless. I like what you did with the cacti in the background. :P
I think it's great!
It has a plot (sort of), good animation, good humor, perfectly placed silence and cute art. I love random stuff, so this is completely ideal for me, but I think it should appeal to other persons as well. :)
Also, I don't know if it was intentional, but... Did you get the idea of the combustible lemon suit from Cave Johnson? xD
Interesting coincidence, I made this about a year before playing portal 2. :)
Great animation and pick of music! It's perfect!^^
Huh? Well... Umm?
That was kinda pointless... xD
Pointless like... like... like... YOUR FACE! Ooooh sick burn dude, sick burn. But yea it was kinda pointless wasn't it? Why is it on front page again?
Really funny!
There was some really good jokes in there! xD
But that FF-clock in the scrapbook would've been funnier if you had added X-2 as well... Maybe...? xD
That's a sequel though.. well, a sequel to a sequel. Would've messed up the whole 'twelve games, twelve hours' concept, you know? Glad you enjoyed either way.
Hahahah! xD
I can see that this is inspired by Alvin Earthworm's 'Random shorts'-movies!^^
If it isn't, you should watch them, the similarity is shocking! X3
lol, yeah. Over 6 balloon shorts were made because of this one. Try looking for these artist: Bogswallop, Wonchop, SonicRocksMySocks. They all did tributes to this balloon short.
Oh c'mon!
You can't compare yourself to Egoraptor and say that he sucks if you only use two frames and draw like some 2 year old freak...
Egoraptor ftw!
Wouldn't drawing like a two year old be bad enough?
Why do I have to draw like a freakish two year old?
Not very much effort in the animation...
But I love this song!^^
I know, and yes me too
Awesome! xD
The script must've been even more stupid than Arfenhouse's! XD
I do not write scripts, for when I try the paper immediately bursts into flame.
I am an artist, musician and gamer, I mostly come here to watch funny flash movies, but it would be neat to contribute with my own stuff here someday as well.
Age 32
Joined on 6/27/07